
Undecided Buu

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In the form of the Majin, Lars frowned solemnly. This had not at all what he'd been expecting when he'd asked for an immortal body. But, as Shenron had said, he did have two wishes left. He could change this if he wanted to. Hesitantly, he raised a pink, gummy-like arm and stared at it. His flesh was so peculiar, so strange looking, it felt almost alien to him now. With only a thought, the pink arm started to stretch outwards, extending far beyond the usual length of his arm. Shocked and disgust by this, Lars propelled the arm to return to its normal length. Despite feeling somewhat sick, Lars then sent another signal to his arm. This time his bubble-gum hand split into two, dividing neatly down the centre of his palm. Then the fingers on his hand dissolved and reformed, all with just his own inner command. Returning his arm to normal, Lars was still creeped out by these unnatural changes to his body, but he couldn't help but admit that it was kind of cool to possess a body which could change shape and reform at will. Maybe this body wasn't so bad at all, even if it was going to take a lot of getting used to, and it meant he never be the same old Lars again. But even if he did decide to keep this body, then what would he use his second wish for?

As he stood there and pondered, Lars's ears picked up a shout in the distance. It was a man's voice, calling his name. Lars almost smacked himself on the hand. Of course, it was Argrim. The old wizard must be wondering where he’d floated off too. Lars wondered how he could possibly be searching for a presumed ghost, but then again he was a wizard. He'd left the poor man standing next to an empty set of armour for who knows how long. An empty set of armour that they had been going to use to help defeat the Enslaver.....

Lars cursed his arrogance and stupidity. During all this time, he'd completely forgotten about the Enslaver and how his vile army was drawing ever closer to Kingdom City. He'd simply been so caught up all these wishes that he'd forgotten that he had a duty to perform. A duty to defend the Kingdom, and that had to be upheld above all other selfish urges.

'I wish for you to destroy the Enslaver!' Demanded Lars, glaring at the great dragon with a hard glint in his eyes.

But Shenron shook his giant head sadly. 'I am sorry Majin Lars, but this man's power extends even my own. He has a protection around him, shielding himself from my work. Furthermore, this character has a great role to play in events ahead, if I were to remove him now, it would greatly upset the flow of time.' 

Lars grumbled and cursed the dragon. What was the point of such a creature if there was only a certain limit to the wishes it could grant? But, even if he couldn't simply kill the Enslaver with a wish he'd still have to stop him somehow. After all, he did have two wishes left, and with such wishes he could do irrefutable damage to the Enslaver. In fact, thought Lars as he stared at his gloppy body once more, he only needed one wish to do this irrefutable damage to the Enslaver.

Lars pondered for a while, the anxious calls of Argrim were entirely lost on him. As he considered his next wish though, an odd desire was building inside him. Lars realised what it was. Hunger, how long had it been since he last ate, he wondered. His thoughts then turned to food. But, rather than mental images of turkey, potatoes and hot beef stew, his mind was instead consumed with memories of sweet, delicious, mouth-watering candy. Mountains upon mountains of the stuff. He was actually becoming kind of obsessed with it now. But he really did need to destroy the Enslaver, then again, he did only need one wish for that surely.

1. Lars wishes for a new form (Female Majin)
2. Lars wishes for the power to stop the Enslaver (Super Buu)
3. Lars wishes for a mountain of candy (Innocent Buu)

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